Cultist Simulator Wiki
Stag Door's Riddle
Stag Door's Riddle
Aspects A Way Back Through Dream


Element ID waystagbefore_[1-5]

"The Stag Door: a ridged barrier of blood-streaked horn, huge enough for a ship to pass. It was broken long ago, and even now the scars are not quite healed. In a declivity beside the door rests a vast and wounded golden Head. Its mouth would be large enough to swallow me, were its jaw not shattered. It is the Name, Ghirbi. It begins to intone its riddle."

-On approaching the Stag Door

The Stag Door Riddle Card is discovered by Dreaming on Way: The White Door with your Dedication.

The Stag Door's Riddle is an obstacle that must be overcome to continue on the way of the Mansus. In the tool tip for the card will be the question. The question changes every time but always requires a lore fragment of the sixth magnitude as the answer.

The answers to the riddles are in the following section:

Riddle Answer
"What are the words that make sacrifice sweet?" A Delightful Sacrament
"What may be lost?" An Ecdysiast's Parable
"What must open, before this Way opens?" A Consent of Wounds
"Where is mercy found?" An Unmerciful Mantra
"Where is the queen who was not born?" A Forgotten Chronicle